Friday, April 14, 2017

Colleague's Blog

Jennifer Torres wrote a blog post discussing how Donald Trump has been doing as our president and she has made some valid points while discussing his progress thus far. Torres titled her blog "Having Trouble Making America Great Again Trump?" and I thought it was extremely clever. Trump made so many promises while campaigning and I honestly think he lacks the knowledge to realize the amount of effort being president actually takes. I feel as if he took his campaign as a way to prove that he could be even more powerful than he already was, his intentions to me didn't seem to be beneficial to the nation but more of a way to benefit himself. Trump promised to change the healthcare act that Obama set in place and he has yet to do so because he cannot come up with a better one himself. Many of his supporters wanted him because of that promise, I wonder if they now realize that he is not going to be able to keep up with most of the things he said. Torres gracefully discussed Trump in a way they pointed out his flaws without attacking him and I admire her for that. Just like Torres I do hope that Trump proves me wrong and does great things for our country, but unfortunately as of now I cannot see that happening.

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